Mackenzie Officer 2017 Athletics Reflection
2017 Athletics Reflection Write your reflection on your participation, effort and performance in the 2017 Athletics competitions. You could reflect on these questions. How well did I use a growth mindset to stay positive when the competition got tough? Did I manage to achieve my athletics goals and why/why not? In what ways did I represent my House well in the competition? What did I do well and how do I know? What was challenging and how do I know? What am I most proud of and why? Start your writing here: How well did I use a growth mindset to stay positive when the competition got tough? I didn't think I could do it so I said to myself I can do it. Then I stayed positive and I did it. 2. Did I manage to achieve my athletics goals and why/why not? I didn't achieve my goal because my goal was to make it to zones for at least one thing. Then I still carried on and stayed positive. 3.In what ways did ...