Learner Qualities: Empathise and Communicate
Learner Qualities: Empathise and Communicate Empathise: Share at least 3 example of how you have shown empathy recently. Add a photo if you can. 1. When jessica got sick I felt very bad for her. Because I know how it feels 2. When denver trip up I asked her are you okay and told her I know how it feels 3. When amber had know one to play with. So I said I know how it feels to be left out and we all played together. Communicate: Share at least 3 examples of how you have communicated in different ways this term. Add photos if you can. 1.when I shared my mihi I was really nervous because I am not used to speaking In front the year 6 hub. 2. On thursday last week we had chinese and I got called up and I was thinking to myself I don't know what to say. but then when I did It I was fine 3. When we were in the SML room the noise level was whisper.But I keep talking to my friends and then I got told off so I didn’t talk to my friends. But when...